No Jews no news. Simple

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Best me to it

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Well said. Thank you.

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Thanks for this viewpoint. It’s an important angle on this conflict that takes a disproportionate amount of money and time in our world,

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I wonder what would put an end to this sham. All the facts are known.

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Well-written and persuasive article. I have no way of knowing whether the information presented is accurate, but the author appears credible from his journalistic experience and association with a credible think tank.

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Instead of occupying yourself with whose suffering is greatest, one would expect that someone concerned with the health and legitimacy of Democracies would be alarmed about the complicity of top democratic countries in the ongoing genocide in Gaza which is delegitimizing democracy itself and the rule of law and world order!

What is also strange is that you are casting doubt on Palestinian casualty figures while quoting Israeli one when the last 8 months have shown again and again how unreliable Israeli claims are!

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Thanks for this article!

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I'm going to unsubscribe someone and go with you.

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I did a comparison of the numbers on displacement. The Nakba numbers pale in comparison to other displacements (and those had high numbers of deaths) But the Palestinians must hvae the greatest PR team in the world. https://www.freedomtoffend.com/p/the-nakba-the-cherished-catastrophe?lli=1

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Ultimately you need better marketing and PR. But as already said, Israel and in particular, Jews cannot be blamed for the misfortunes of Muslims and Arabs

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