Excellent piece, Hussain. Over and over, the UN has shown itself to be a deeply corrupt and morally bankrupt institution. Guterres et al only regurgitate talking points; they demonstrate no genuine interest in improving security and economic development in the region, advancing a vision Jews, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, and Turks could all benefit from.

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Thank you for the excellent article. The UN now exists to cover the malicious acts of many of its members and I wish the US and other moral countries would abandon it

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All totally accurate; UN is totally feckless and if Israel didn’t exist; they’d have absolutely nothing to do but pass resolutions about the coming alien invasion.

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Great article. The UN and the rest of the anti-Israel buffoons must take long walk off a very short pier. I pray that Israel will stand fast and resolute in the only solution that will bring peace - crushing the Hamas threat. I have heard "them" say that you cannot kill an idea (Islamism) - this is simply not true. There may be some Nazis around, but the "West" crushed them. What is needed is a wave of Israeli shock and awe, relentless preemptive strikes, ruthless and excessive violent response (they kill one and you kill ten), with daily and devastating repercussions for the terrorists and for those who support them. I believe that according to the Talmud " “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.” As a small boy faced with bullies on a daily basis, I learned to fight, to stand up for myself and to get up when I was knocked down - until the day came when I was able to beat the snot out of a bully - in public. Word soon got around, and not many bullies bothered me again. Israel is a small nation and its people have been spat upon, bullied, pushed around and massacred for thousands of years...enough already. I pray that Israel uses the FULL force of all its military capacity to beat the snot out of Hamas - and I mean really smash them into submission. The shock must knock the breath out of the "rest of the world". It must make them them run and hide and pee in their pants. This justice must be seen to be done so that Israel's enemies must soil themselves when they hear the word Israel or Jew. This must be doen quickly - remember the Six-Day war? Before the enemy can begin to think, they must be smashed and smashed until they cannot stand up again. Israel is Israel - in the eyes of G-d. Who are "they" compared to G-d? Am Yisrael Chai!

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