Sep 17Liked by Hussain Abdul-Hussain

Excellent writeup. Thank you Hussain.

Today, the Islamist Regime in Iran is the main issue, the head of the Snake. It does not represent its people, who are amazing. The sooner Western nations deal with this regime to topple it and free the Iranian people, the better!

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Sep 17Liked by Hussain Abdul-Hussain

This is a brilliant breakdown of the situation. Thank you so much.

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Thank you for this history. It helps to understand, and understanding truth is a goal to which we all should aspire.

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Wise words from the House of Wisdom

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Palestinians were on their own since the First Gulf War, when they publicly supported Saddam Hussein's annexation of Kuwait. Ouch!



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That was an excellent history, Hussain! Thank you for that. The genius behind the Abraham Accords was that it upended years of failed thinking from the US State Dept that a Palestinian State was a prerequisite for peace. Instead, the Abraham Accords recognized that the Palestinians are ungovernable and intractable, but there are plenty of Arab states that have mutual interests and common values with Israel. So the Abraham Accords brought Arabs and Israelis together on that basis, and the Palestinians can come around eventually. Or not. Up to them.

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