Apr 30, 2022Liked by Hussain Abdul-Hussain

These people who claim they are pro-Palestine because they "side with the underdog" are total bad faith actors. ISIS and Al Qaeda are less powerful than the US, are they going to start shilling for them? Your average serial killer is far less powerful than the police, does that mean they're going to go to bat for the "human rights" of people like Jeffrey Dahmer? I hardly think so.

If it were Jews who were occupied by Arabs, and were "resisting" that occupation via suicide bombings and knife attacks, people like Beinart would be declaring that those Jews were getting exactly what they deserved, and that the Arabs had no choice but to protect themselves from the Jewish murderers. Total nonsense.

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Your blog, and other writings on Al-Hurra, have been one of the greatest and most constructive eyeopeners I have encountered in recent memory. While I may disagree with you on some points you make, I respect your efforts to explain things from the opposite perspective, something we desperately lack back home. I hope that at some point, you can explain your views on Edward Said, whom I previously respected deeply but now tend to see the point of some of your critiques against him. Cheers!

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Thank you Mohammad for your message. It made my day. It is messages like those that keep people like me -- who break with the dominant opinion -- going. I have a couple of articles that include my take on Edward Said coming. All my best.

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In olden days, the victors would slaughter all the men and take the women and children as slaves.

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